
I'm Switching to Twitter for My Blog Comments Janne Kemppainen |

This blog is a static website built with Hugo. As with any static website letting users post comments on your site typically requires using a third party service. This is one area where having WordPress would be nice as it gives you a built-in commenting platform. I’ve been using a third party commenting platform but now I’m going to try something else, use Twitter for comments.

Create Simple Python GUI Applications with Gooey Janne Kemppainen |

This time I’m going to show you how to create simple GUI applications in Python using a package called Gooey. It lets you turn (almost) any command line Python application into a GUI application with one line.

Create Your Own Python Packages

From programming to publishing

Janne Kemppainen |

When programming in Python you’re used to installing packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI). But how do the packages end up there? How can I make my Python code installable? Let’s find out!

Why Merging Hashes With Xor Can Be Dangerous? Janne Kemppainen |

If you have two distinct hash values that are created by a hashing algorithm that creates a uniformly random distribution then the result of the XOR operation between these values should also follow the same distribution. But why XOR might still not be the best choice for combining the values?

Reviewing Typora, My New Favorite Markdown Editor Janne Kemppainen |

The title might already give away my opinion on Typora so let me start by saying it again. Typora is my favorite Markdown editor, period. With that out of the way let’s continue on with the why.

Start a Blog With Hugo Janne Kemppainen |

I run my blog with a static site generator called Hugo and as you’re reading this article I’m going to make a wild guess that you’d be interested to start your own blog too. I have created a whole series of blog posts about blogging with Hugo where I go through the required steps to build your own blog from scratch. However, in this tutorial I wanted to condense all the necessary steps to getting your blog up and running as fast as possible with a ready theme.

CORS Simply Explained Janne Kemppainen |

If you’re doing web development there is one thing that you have quite likely been bitten by, CORS. It stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and simply put it is a mechanism which is used by browsers to determine whether or not a request to another domain can be made.

Backend With Python, How? Janne Kemppainen |

You want to be a Python backend developer but have no idea what you should learn? Choosing what to focus on can be difficult. In this blog post I hope to help you by discussing different types of backends and the technologies that you could use to build them.

Get to the Correct Blogging Mindset Janne Kemppainen |

In this series of been talking about really technical topics.This is going to be a softer post where I’m going to talk about what is and what is not important when you are starting a brand new blog. I hope this post will inspire you to get going and keep going!

Time Manipulation in Node-RED with Moment Janne Kemppainen |

Moment.js is a popular JavaScript library for parsing, validating, manipulating and displaying dates. The node-red-contrib-moment package is an adaptation of the library to Node-RED. In this post I’ll share some examples that should jumpstart your journey with Moment.js.

Building URLs in Python Janne Kemppainen |

Building URLs is really common in applications and APIs because most of the applications tend to be pretty interconnected. But how should we do it in Python? Here’s my take on the subject.

Use Google Analytics to Show Popular Content on Your Static Blog Janne Kemppainen |

It is quite easy to recommend your most popular posts to your readers if you are running a WordPress site. What if you are using a static site generator such as Hugo instead? On this post you’ll learn how to add a popular posts section by using data from Google Analytics, and how to automate the whole process.